Feb 15, 2011

Army Green OUTFIT and SHOES

Army Green OUTFIT and SHOES

Yes I am a matcher! LOL! I will match down to my delicates! I am so faux pas and I so don't care. : )

This is outfit has an interesting zipper detailed vest (from Forever 21) with plain black slacks (from Express) and army green suede pumps (from Love My Shoes). And I seem to have lost weight....trying to gain it back plus more ASAP! I know people has issues with losing weight but I have issues gaining. I hate being a size 2. Yikes!

P.S. I'm still sharing outfits even when I don't LOVE what I'm wearing.


  1. Do you get your hair relaxed?

  2. What a cute outfit! I especially love that top.

  3. Very stylish, I love it!


  4. I'm a matcher too! Loves it! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Love the way the shirt flares out and cute shoes.


  6. Well Tina my dear, if it makes you feel any better, I am a size 0 and I am older than you. Yup, a 0 or XS and sometimes XXS but you look great. Once you're healthy, that's really all that matters. You're still gorgeous....


  7. Hey I noticed that you are an Electrical Engineer!!! Kudos to you! I'm a computer science major. I will graduate next year. Was that a work outfit? Could I wear something like that in the Engineering field? I love the outfit. I just want some pointers. Thanks!

  8. Love the shoes!! Omg you look FINE!! You look gorgeous and great, honestly! Hate being a size 2, dearie, you look beautiful from head to toe, okay! Love the outfit, wish I could rock it like you do!


  9. I love the shirt, you look great, I wish I had a problem losing weight, LOL,

  10. Great outfit, I love to match too lol. You look beautiful. Whoa, ur tiny! Size to on your tall frame is too small.

  11. I freakin' LOVE those shoes!


  12. I envy you to be able to go around with bare arms in the middle of winter. I freeze so easely that I caught a cold only watching the pic.
    And don't hate to be your size, look at the full half of the glass : fashion is designed for people like you so you can rock EVERY kind of clothes if you'd like to. Fashion Freedom ;)

  13. Mercedes "Picasso Eyes"February 16, 2011 at 12:01 PM

    You look beautiful! Lets celebrate women in all shapes, sizes, and colors :) LOL. Whats so beautiful is that u don't think size defines the beauty of a woman! Ur naturally small and are not striving to be this way so enjoy it. I am a matcher too (clothes, makeup, delicate, handbag, even accessories & hair clips lol)...Fooey to the naysayers :) LOVE the blouse. Love the femme and things that accentuate the waist. Ur a darling! More makeup looks!!

  14. Thanks Krystal!

    No relaxer Anonymous. Just blown out straight.

    Thanks Corie.

    Thanks so much Leah.

    Thx Sha. Matching rules!

    Thanks so much Paris.

    Hahhaaaa Olivia. I used to be a 0 too so I know it well. Sometimes I can still fit XXS and XS esp. at BeBe. Thanks lovely!

    Hey Whit Whit. Kudos to u as well. It depends on the company environment. This is a work outfit but my office is very laid back and we go business casual. In our other offices they tend to be more strict so when u start out go very conservative and pay attn. to what others wear. That way u can slowly get a feel for the office code and what may or may not be acceptable. But engineering tends to be a casual filed to work in so u shouldn't have any issues.

  15. Thanks so much cendana. I don't mind the size 2 so much as I don't like the bones poking out. LOL! I just want to gain 10 lbs.

    Thanks Tysh. LOL. I get that all the time but imagine losing weight when u don't want to...irritating. I lost 5 lbs without even trying and can't gain it back. I love a little extra fluff esp. in the rear. LOL.

    Thx Anonymous. Yep I think i want to be at least a size 4 for my height. We'll see if I can gain the weight I want.

    Thanx Gail!

    Thanks Guad. I guess I don't hate it so so much but at my height I look super skinny. I just want 10 more lbs :) I agree with the clothes bit tho...I have no real issues with finding sizes...

    Thanks so so much Mercedes. I agree! Women r beautiful no matter what size! And hooray for matching! Heee heeee!

  16. hmmm I wore something like this on the 15th to..... Just purple :)

  17. What a cute top! I love that! It looks so edgy. I am running to F21 now.

  18. You look so pretty. I wish I had your problem of gaining weight. I can just look at food and gain it. lol Anywhoo...I love the color green and that top is darling!

  19. I'm matchy too! My husband even learned how to match things up when my daughters were little! Lol I always tell my daughters not to worry about size. Different sizes are what makes women so beautiful. Strut that size 2! My oldest daughter is a size 3 and my younger daughter is a size 15! Both are gorgeous!

    Be Blessed!

    Oh, and I love those shoes!!!

  20. wow, great post and info

    keep posting stuff like this

    i really like it.

    Ökostrom Anbieter

  21. Cute shoes! I felt the same way when I was a 2 but age has a way of fixing that! Enjoy it while it lasts :)

  22. In the words of Stacy from What Not To Wear - Shut Up! Fabulous, definitely one of my favourites from you, top to bottom!


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