
Jun 25, 2010

Tips for Beginners...SKIN CARE

Tips for Beginners...SKIN CARE

Now that you have determine your skin type let's go into skin care. The specific products used for your skin care routine will differ based on your skin type but the general principles are the same for any skin type.

Check out the Previous Post: Tips for Beginners - SKIN TYPE

DISCLOSURE: I am not a skin care professional. These are my personal thoughts and knowledge through research, personal and semi-personal experiences (friends and family). Consult a dermatologist for professional/medical advice. In other words, if your skin falls off it's not my fault! : )

We have all probably heard the saying that "prevention is better than a cure" or some variation of that. Simply put, it's easier to prevent issues/problems that it is to correct them.
  • Stay hydrated! Drinks lots of water - 8-10 glasses a day (if you can). This will help with the natural moisture in your skin as well as flush toxins from your body (and inherently your skin).
  • Wear sun protection! One of the main causes of premature aging in sun damage. So make sure you take steps to protect your skin from sun exposure. Wear hats, sunglasses, protective clothing and SUNSCREEN (UVA and UVB protection).
  • Get lots of sleep! I love this one because I sleep a lot. LOL. Beauty sleep is not a myth. Healthy bodies require rest and sleep and guess what a healthy body leads to...yes!...healthy skin.
  • Eat healthy! No I don't mean become a vegetarian or go organic overnight. Fat and grease are obviously not the best for your body or skin. Vitamins and minerals are crucial so remember to eat your fruits and vegetables. Simple healthy eating habits won't just help your body but also your skin.
  • Moisturize! Even though I will expand this more later I still have emphasize it here. No matter what your skin type you MUST moisturize.

We need to cleanse our skin to remove dirt, bacteria, pollution, makeup and just the daily grime that can build up. My personal preference is cleansing both morning and night but some people may choose to cleanse only at night. Cleansing products will depend on your skin type but no matter what try to avoid products with alcohol. Alcohol, strips the moisture from your skin which can lead to irritation or excessive oiliness (your skin is forced to over-compensate and produce more oil).
  • For Normal skin it's best to use a gentle foaming facial wash that will not strip the natural moisture away. 
  • For Dry skin use a thick creamy cleanser to melt away dirt but still retain moisture.
  • For Oily skin you should start with a gentle foaming facial wash. This will remove dirt and oil without stripping away moisture.
  • For Combination skin use a gentle foaming facial wash in the mornings to cleanse your skin. This will address the oily areas and help to prevent blackheads. In the evening use a cream cleanser to soothe your dry areas. This will keep a balance between excess dryness and excess oiliness. 
  • For Sensitive skin avoid using facial washes or soap. Instead use a light, hypoallergenic cleansing lotion.

TIP: Use lukewarm water for washing your face instead of hot or cold water. Hot water can cause irritate and dry essential oils from skin. Cold water can tighten pores and lock dirt in.

Back in the day toners took the form of harsh astringents which I DO NOT recommend no matter what. Astringents contain high volumes of alcohol that can dry and irritate skin even more. Even if you have oily skin avoid products with alcohol. They will cause your skin to over-produce oil to compensate for the oils that were stripped away by a harsh astringent - you will be even oilier than before.

New age toners are gentler and can be used in addition to cleansing for an extra boost of clean. Toners will help to tighten up pores and remove excess residue from skin. Although it's a nice addition, this step can be skipped for the most part. I use a toner maybe once or twice a week.

I group these together because they do pretty much the same thing - deep cleansing for the skin. I recommend this twice a week for normal, combo or oily skin to remove buildup from makeup or life. For none makeup wearers and dry, sensitive skin I say it's best once a week. There are various options of the market for exfoliation or facial masks. You can use a face brush or facial scrub (ensure that they are gentle - bristles or beads). A facial scrub should have tiny smooth particles rather than sharp, harsh pieces. If you can feel the particles cutting at your skin this may not be the best choice of scrub (...ehem St. Ives Scrub).

No matter your skin type, we all need to moisturize! Use a moisturizer both during the day and at night. You can use a richer, more intensive moisturizer at night to help your skin rejuvenate and use a lightweight balancing moisturizer during the day.
  • Normal skin is naturally moisturized but be sure to use a lightweight moisturizer to maintain balance.
  • Dry skin needs more intense moisture so use a thick creamy moisturizer and let it soak into the skin. Serums and thick gel moisturizers work well too. Dry skin can lead to flaking and sensitive spots so make sure to treat you skin well.
  • Oily skin will feel dry and tight after cleansing so use a lightweight oil-free moisturizer to keep your skin balanced. If your skin is unbalanced it tends to over-compensate by producing more oil and therefore worsen your problem.
  • Combination skin should also use a lightweight oil-free moisturizer all over the face. Use a thicker cream for dry bothersome spots.
  • Sensitive skin should avoid anything scented or harsh. Also be careful when choosing products. Avoid products with your specific skin irritants (such as silicone).

My Skin Care Regimen
MAC Oil Control Lotion
Shiseido Skincare
Stila One Step Corrector/Primer


  1. Thank you for these posts! I did posts like that a few months ago, people keep asking what I do to have a nice skin and these steps mentioned above are the ultimate base to achieve just that. I'm so glad you also mentioned sun screen as WOC generally think that they don't need it and that is such a misconception! Well done spreading the word :D

  2. Great tips. I recreated your arabian gold look! check out my blog : )

  3. Great post! I am unfortunately cursed with the sensitive skin. I'm incredibly fair (thanks to my Irish ancestors) and I have never had a "real" tan (I did go on a sunbed once (many years ago at the urging of a friend who was a tanning junkie) and three hours later (at my birthday dinner no less) I looked like a lobster (seriously). I am both oily and dry (an impossible combination) and can breakout easily when trying new products. I did have an "Aha" moment this year though when I discovered that the combination of Shisheido White Lucent facewash and Neostrata Oil Free No. 3 moisturizer works fantastically for me! I am seriously in love with both items. Funnily, when I tried to stick to same make products (just either Neostrata or Shisheido), the combination failed! Skincare is soooo tricky!

  4. Thx guys!

    LilBiuty that's great! I know WOC always seem to forget that we need sun protection too! My mom is my motivation to keep my skin in tip top shape.

    No prob Jonna!

    Thx Danielle! I checked out the look! Great job and cool blog too!

  5. Thx Sarah! Sensitive is the worse curse to be stuck with! But once u find your go-to products u have to stick with it. Shiseido is such a great brand for skincare. I don't think I'll ever switch. I'm very happy with their products. I have some dry areas too but I'm mostly oily. I have to exfoliate the dry spots get to get rid of the flakes. ICK! It sucks to break out from products I'm sure.

    I'm so glad you found things that work for you. Skincare is VERY tricky and people can speand years searching for the right products.

  6. Specific processes will provide additional help for your hands and feet. For soft feet, soak them for 15 to 20 minutes in a bowl of lukewarm water with some essential oils shortly before going to bed. When you are finished soaking, pat them dry with the help of a damp washcloth. Then apply lotion and pure cocoa butter or Shea butter on your feet and put on fresh, clean cotton socks. The same process should be repeated with your hands.
    Beauty Tips


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